
The Corporate Immune System: Governance from the Inside Out

The “Corporate Immune System” (CIS) is an outgrowth of an evolutionary trend reflecting firms’ adaptation to challenges including growing corporate complexity, threats to corporate value, and political compromise. Similar to biological immune systems, corporations have adopted a range of internal mechanisms to ward off threats. The CIS performs an internal regulatory function that lowers monitoring costs for government regulators through internal mechanisms such as a monitoring board, compliance and risk management systems, compensation, and an enhanced chief legal officer (CLO) role. It complements external corporate governance strategies: shareholder empowerment, markets, litigation, gatekeepers, and top-down public regulation. Today’s corporate boards are much more informed, organized, skilled, and ac-countable than their historical antecedents. Although far from perfect, they continue to evolve and improve. The CIS, recognizing the potential of collaborative inside-out reforms in the corporate arena is, on balance, a promising development. But this trend also raises concerns that merit further discussion.

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