The list below ranks online law reviews by their Westlaw citations-per-article value from 2014 to 2016. Online law reviews must have received a citation count higher than zero to be included on the list below. The citation data is accurate as of May 15, 2017. The University of Illinois Law Review Online updates its citation data beginning in January.
Click here to view our methodology for collecting and analyzing citation data. Click here to access our citation data for 2014, 2015, and 2016, including information on each online law review’s i-index value, h-index value, and Google Scholar citation counts. This webpage will be updated in March 2018 to include more user interactivity with our data sets.
If a publication would like to be included in this ranking list, please email
*The peer review rankings still separate William Mitchell and Hamline Universities, even though the schools are now combined. Both rankings are included.