Volume 2014, Number 4

The Board of Editors is pleased to present Issue 4 of the 2014 Volume of the Illinois Law Review.

First, Professors Hawkins, Skiba, and Fritzdixon take a novel position on the title lending debate. Instead of focusing on the risks and consequences of borrowers’ cars being repossessed, their article argues that the primary problem borrowers face is underestimating the true cost of taking out a title loan. In light of these findings, they ultimately conclude that an outright ban of title lending is unwarranted.

Second, Professor Borgmann sheds light on the highly controversial topic of government-imposed bodily intrusions. The article provides a framework for the Constitutional foundation for the right against these intrusions.

Third, Professor Stevenson examines the systematic effects and costs of widespread codification.

Fourth, Professors Logan and Wright provide the first comprehensive examination of the legal, policy, and institutional ramifications of Legal Financial Obligations.

Issue 4 next presents 5 essays responding to Professor Hyman’s article “Why did Law Professors Misunderestimate the Lawsuits against PPACA?” Professors Ramseyer, Blackman, Blumstein, Mazzone, and Koppelman all contribute to this discussion on the Affordable Care Act. The final article, by Professor Hyman responds to and summarizes the foregoing discussion.

Issue 4 concludes with notes by Nathaniel Koppel, Kyle Lennox, and Nicholas Moeller.